
The Marketplace will be an online store filled with all sorts of merchandise. The store will not just have GC merchandise but also merchandise that the artist sells at Comic and Anime Conventions. For now this will be the only other place you can get the artists artwork and merchandise besides at a convention.

You earn 10 tokens daily for each GC NFT you are holding. The Token Staking will began at 25% Mint.

You can redeem our GC tokens ( or pay $USD ) for different items such as T-Shirts, Hoodies, Stickers, Magnets, Caps, Mini-Prints, Comics, Commissioned Artwork, Convention Tickets, etc.

We will open the marketplace at 25% mint

The marketplace will be funded by a percentage of sales, meaning it will grow based on the success of our project and brand.

You will be responsible for the shipping and handling of our merchandise.